Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014

Happy Ied Mubarak 1435H

Happy Idul Fitri.. Whenever i have any mistake, i'm so sorry.  From this day forth.. Lets be better human.. To bear down be devoted moslem. God willing we will meet the next ramadhan.

-Nesya A.Simamora-

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

Pemilihan Duta Intelegensia Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Medan 2014

Jum'at, 20 Juni 2014 Pemilihan Duta Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Medan telah berhasil dilaksanakan  di Hotel Dharma Deli Medan. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan sebagai rangkaian acara perayaan Hari Koperasi Nasional ( HARKOPNAS ) yang dituan rumahi oleh Medan. Pemilihan Duta Koperasi dan UMKM Kota Medan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan menciptakan inspirator-inspirator pemuda Indonesia agar sadar akan pentingnya Koperasi dan UMKM sebagai soko guru perekonomian bangsa Indonesia. Kegiatan ini juga dilandaskan karena mengingat kurangnya pengetahuan khususnya pemuda Medan tentang Koperasi dan UMKM. "Diharapkan Duta yang terpilih dapat menjadi pemuda yang bisa memotivasi pemuda lain untuk berwirausaha dan mengajak untuk terjun membangun ekonomi bangsa karena pemuda adalah agent of change", sebut nesya ardella sebagai finalis 17 besar kegiatan ini.

Pemilihan Duta ini dilakukan dengan ketat menggunakan berbagai tes meliputi sesi penyisihan: tes tertulis wawasan koperasi dan pengetahuan umum, psycho test dan interview.

Peserta yang lulus ke final yaitu 17 besar harus mengikuti tes berikutnya pada tanggal 21 Juni 2014, meliputi : panel wawancara tentang intelegensia dan kepribadian, wawasan koperasi dan umum, leadership serta organization skill.

Nesya Ardella S
(Finalis Duta Koperasi dan UMKM 2014)

Picking up knowledge without limit !

Nesya Ardella Simamora is my name. Thanks my mom and my dad, you have given me a beautiful name and because of you, I can grow up like now and can feel a beautiful world of knowledge. 
Now, I study in medical technology laboratory major in poltekkes ministry of health Indonesia. I also join many organizations, like : PII (Indonesian moslem student association), FLP ( the Circle pen Forum), HIMA ( association of analyst of health ), UKMI Al HUDA, etc.
January, I remember when I placed my foot in Jakarta and Bandung. “Oh Dear God, thanks for this opportunity, I can study until Jakarta and bandung”, I said in my heart.
I became the one of five representatives from North Sumatra in my organization to join LAT (Leadership Advance Training) in Bandung. And also join RAPIMNAS ( meeting of the leader in the national degree) from my organization in Jakarta.

We go to Jakarta by PELNI ship. From belawan until Jakarta it used three days for the trip. 
After we arrived in harbor of Jakarta, we continued our trip to go to the location, the location is in bekasi. But, Nooooo !!when we arrived there, Jakarta was flood stricken. My friends and I must carried our big bag.
We got the location and took a rest for a moment in lodging house in Asrama Haji Bekasi. The meeting had started, we must join that. So many delegations from each region. There are from Sulawesi, West java, Banten, Jakarta, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Java, East java, NTB, Aceh, etc.
Not only meeting in Jakarta, but also I must continued my trip to Bandung. As I have told you, I joined leadership advance training. So many collegers joined also. But, there was a screening before we were declared qualify to became participant.
Actually, there were some regulations that we must do before we got screening. The regulation were : making a working paper from many tittles that was established by the instructure. I took the tittle of my working paper was “The CapitalismImpact of Education in Indonesia”. Another regulation was making a book review. I made a book review of Tasawuf modern book. Next regulation was making clipping from newspaper around education, making curuculum vitae and reviewed some articles.
There were twenty eight representatives from many regions. But after the process of screening was finishedand the instructor gave the result, there was nineteen participants remained. 
There were two person from Aceh, two person from Jakarta, one from Ternate, one from South Kalimantan, and three people from Bandung, all of them must go back to their region. Thanks to Allah, I can do the screening, responsible with my assignment, and can answere some questions from instructure. because there were some questions about global especially about tragedies in the other country, it was because i read and got information not good enough.
But, when I gather with them in one forum, studied and discussed together, wah !so clever they are. I felt so happy because I could get the picture about the construct of their thinking.

Kamis, 03 Juli 2014

Happy Ramadhan

Selamat menjalankan ibadah di bulan ramadhan.. Semoga kita dapat memaksimalkan diri sebagai hamba Allah dibulan suci ini dan dibulan bulan selanjutnya.. semoga Allah mempertemukan kita dengan Ramadhan berikutnya.. amiin.

President Election in Indonesia

I warmly welcome the democration party or we know that president election of Indonesia, 9 July 2014.
In addition, we look various campaign in social media about the both of candidate of the president, black campaign or may be white campaign.

With reference to the regulation in Indonesia, we are as the civil of Indonesia, we have the right to choose about who is the best leader(president) in our own opinion.

From this election, the period of the president is from 2014 up to 2019.
This is not the short time, so we must have critism to look who is the qualified president to have important task as mentioned in Indonesia's regulation for the development and etablishment of  Indonesia.

We are as youth of Indonesia. We are as a spearhead of the advance of Indonesia. Presumably, we can get the essential meaning of the election and provide ourselves to actualizing Indonesia succes !

Hopefully this publication may be used and open our mind to more realize bout how important this election and we can use our right as well.

Hopefully we can find the reliable president for Indonesia, better.


Nesya Ardella Simamora
Proud to be the youth of Indonesia

Ribet nikah di Binjai ? BINJAI punya prosedur menikah yang berbeda ? Pertama di INDONESIA

oleh : Nesya A. Simamora         Judul diatas sebuah pertanyaan atau pernyataan dari kamu ga sih ? mungkin bakal penasaran kenapa aku ...